Category: How To

  • Tips for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: how to make the game easier?

    Tips for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: how to make the game easier?

    Don’t Run Headlong

    In S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, exploring the locations is interesting. The world is alive and engaging, but you need to approach it differently than in other games. The Zone is a very harsh place, unforgiving of mistakes and impatient players. Explore the terrain with caution and attention: this will help you avoid sudden death from a bloodsucker or save you from a fatal bullet from bandits.

    Also, the slow pace allows you to find as many valuable supplies scattered across the world as possible. Some are easier to reach, others harder, but careful exploration of the locations will only benefit you.

    The Game Rewards Diligent Explorers

    Always loot bodies and unload weapons.

    The greatest danger in the Zone, more so than mutants, comes from humans: other stalkers, bandits, factions—every living person can kill you. Besides being dangerous, humans also carry a lot of useful survival items.

    After eliminating a group of enemies (or even just one), always loot the bodies. Finding something extremely valuable is unlikely, but you can gradually replenish your stock of first-aid kits, ammo, and food without spending any money. You’ll often find weapons left behind by enemies. They’re usually in poor condition, but they can help you survive a few more skirmishes.

    Another point: if you don’t want to take the weapon, always unload it. The button appears on almost every weapon in the Zone or any left behind by its previous owner. This helps save money on ammo and keeps you prepared.

    Store Extra Items in Storage

    Scattered throughout the Zone are special crates, which act as local storage where you can leave any items you’ve found. We recommend taking full advantage of this. When heading out on quests or just exploring the Zone, you likely won’t need all those cans of stewed meat, three pistols, and 30 grenades. Every item in the game, including healing items, has weight—unlike “Skyrim.”

    It’s much more pleasant to go exploring light: this will also allow you to carry more loot than under other circumstances. Additionally, valuable gear like a new gun or suit takes up a lot of space, so it’s better to prepare 10-15 kg of free space.

    Don’t Ignore Side Quests

    The Zone requires a lot of money. Repairs are expensive, and great gear costs even more. You’ll probably need to spend thousands of coupons on useful items (food, ammo, meds), so having extra cash is definitely useful.

    At the start, when money is scarce, we recommend paying attention to all side quests. Completing them rewards you with a decent amount of coupons. Another advantage of side activities is that you’ll explore new areas while completing them, which can also yield coupons, items for sale, or just useful gear.

    Lure Enemies into Anomalies

    In S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, it’s often better to use tactical thinking before engaging in large battles rather than just shooting at enemies. This saves ammo, first-aid kits, and, let’s face it, it feels like you’re a tactical genius.

    For example, try defeating a group of enemies or monsters with the help of… anomalies! Yes, they make life harder in the Zone, but they can also offer invaluable support. There’s even an achievement for killing a monster in an anomaly. It’s harder to lure humans into such a trap, but it sometimes works, and when it does, you’ll feel even more satisfied!

    Anomalies Are Not Only Dangerous But Also Useful

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is not just a corridor shooter. The game has a full-fledged survival system. For instance, your character needs to eat periodically to heal more effectively and lose stamina more slowly. If hunger sets in, a piece of meat will appear above your health bar, indicating that it’s time for a snack.

    Other factors also affect the hero: radiation (displayed as a large icon on the left) and bleeding. The latter happens from several shots from enemies (indicated by a blood drop icon) and monster attacks. You can stop the bleeding with bandages, and it’s better to do it as soon as possible.

    Sometimes, in the heat of battle, you might apply a first-aid kit, but your health barely restores. This is likely due to the bleeding you might have missed.

    Always Save (It’s Not Shameful!)

    There are many dangers in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. You can die at almost any moment, so we recommend saving as often as possible. Don’t be ashamed of it, because exploring the Zone is literally walking through a minefield—something can go wrong at any time.

    Saving is useful primarily so that you don’t have to redo completed quests or frustrating fragments.

    Trade with Everyone, Not Just in Settlements

    In the Zone, everyone wants to make a profit, get rich, and leave with pockets full of money. But some just need to survive first, so they have to trade and buy items. The economy in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 works in such a way that you can trade not just with people in settlements.

    You can buy and sell items by meeting any traveler. This is especially helpful when you urgently need healing or to replenish ammo. However, you won’t be able to sell too much of your gear, as such wandering merchants have a limited amount of coupons.

    Don’t Forget to Repair and Upgrade Gear

    Weapons, suits, and gas masks in shooters wear down over time. To avoid being caught in a situation where your only rifle is about to break, it’s better to periodically repair your gear. This is especially important for suits, as they determine your protection against physical damage and radiation.

    It’s equally important to upgrade your gear, but we wouldn’t recommend upgrading armor because, as you explore the game, you’ll find increasingly powerful suits. The same goes for weapons, but as you upgrade them, they’ll at least remain relevant for a larger part of the game.

    For instance, find your favorite weapon, fully invest in upgrading it, and you’ll have a good weapon without the need to search for something more powerful.

  • How to Defeat Poltergeists in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Locations and Strategies

    How to Defeat Poltergeists in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Locations and Strategies

    While exploring the vast world of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, players will encounter a variety of monsters. Among the most dangerous are the poltergeists. This guide explains where to find these eerie entities and provides tips on how to defeat them effectively.

    Types of Poltergeists in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

    In the game, two kinds of poltergeists are introduced:

    • Electric Poltergeist: A cluster of charged gas with telekinetic abilities, capable of attacking from a distance.
    • Fire Poltergeist: A creature that inflicts burn damage with its fiery attacks.

    The first encounter with a poltergeist occurs early in the game, inside a rusted bunker. As soon as you step inside, objects begin levitating and striking the player, signaling the presence of an unseen force behind the chaos.

    How to Fight an Electric Poltergeist in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

    Battling an electric poltergeist is slightly easier compared to its fiery counterpart. This creature has a variety of attacks, such as telekinetically hurling objects and dashing through players to inflict damage. Use the following strategy:

    1. Approach Carefully and Use a Shotgun: Get close and attack with a shotgun, as it is the most effective weapon at short range.
    2. Dodge Attacks: When you hear the sound of objects levitating, start running and jumping to avoid being hit.
    3. Watch Its Movements: After being hit, the creature raises a stone barrier and quickly changes position. Stay alert to track its movements.
    4. Use Long-Range Weapons When Necessary: If the poltergeist is out of reach, switch to an SMG or assault rifle and fire in controlled bursts.
    5. Repeat the Process: Continue attacking and evading until the creature is defeated.

    How to Fight a Fire Poltergeist in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

    The fiery version of the poltergeist is a nasty foe that causes burn damage to players. The first encounter with this enemy happens in the basement of the Detention Center during the storyline missions. Follow these steps to defeat it:

    1. Stay Alert When Approaching: As soon as you get close, it will start applying burn effects to your character.
    2. Engage from a Distance: Unlike the electric variant, it’s safer to fight this creature at a distance. Use SMGs or rifles for maximum efficiency.
    3. Wait for the Right Moment: Attack when the monster pauses after changing positions.
    4. Use Grenades in Tight Spaces: If the creature is in a confined area, throw grenades to deal significant damage.
    5. Monitor Your Health Closely: Fire damage can quickly reduce your health to critical levels. Assign a medkit to a quick-access slot to heal immediately if your health drops too low.

    How to Disable Shader Compilation in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2

    Exploring the game’s settings can help optimize your gameplay experience, including tweaking shader compilation options for smoother performance.

    Use these strategies to survive and thrive in the hazardous world of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. Good luck, stalker!